Designs revealed for Main South and Victor Harbor Road duplications

Published on 13 September 2021

Final designs for the duplication of Main South and Victor Harbor Roads have been revealed, with the project aiming to boost road safety and tourism, and cut travel times.

The $560 million Fleurieu Connections project, jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian governments, will be completed in two stages, with works expected to begin by the end of the year and due to be completed in 2024.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) says the project will result in safer and faster journeys for motorists and provide a vital boost for local tourism, communities and support hundreds of jobs each year during construction.

The final design solutions include:

Main South Road

Stage 1 focuses on the duplication of Main South Road, from Seaford to Aldinga, including a grade separation (overpass) at the intersection of Tatachilla Road and Maslin Beach Road, a grade separation at the intersection of Port Road, and a dual lane roundabout at the Main South Road and Aldinga Road junction.

Stage 2 of the upgrade will be from Aldinga to Sellicks Beach, with a ‘2+1’ lane road layout and associated road treatments that address safety issues and future capacity of Main South Road. A ‘2+1’ lane road layout consists of two lanes in one direction and one lane in the other, alternating every few kilometres.

Further design work will be undertaken over the coming months to develop the design for Stage 2. There will be an opportunity for community to provide input once the design has been developed.

Victor Harbor Road

Victor Harbor Road, between Main South Road and the McLaren Vale turn off, will be duplicated with additional safety treatments along Victor Harbor Road (including an overtaking lane at Hindmarsh Valley).

In addition, a planning study to investigate the preferred solution for Victor Harbor Road between Main Road, McLaren Vale and Tatachilla Road and to Willunga Hill will be undertaken.

A ‘welcome investment’

“Overall, we welcome the investment in our region for the improvements to safety along Main South Road and Victor Harbor Road,” said City of Onkaparinga Mayor Erin Thompson.

“We also welcome the upcoming planning study for more works along Victor Harbor Road.

“The grade separations at the intersections of Tatachilla Road/Maslin Beach Road and Main South Road/Port Road are big wins for our communities and will improve road safety and congestion at these increasingly used intersections.

“The final design solutions provide opportunities to integrate with City of Onkaparinga’s diverse trail network, benefiting cyclists, walkers and other users of these fantastic spaces, whether for commuting, recreation or tourism.

“We’ll continue working with DIT and the community as the additional stages and design work progresses, to improve road safety, congestion and travel times, and to ensure a coordinated approach to road and transport planning with the Renewal SA development in Aldinga.”

Mayor Thompson said also said there were areas of the project that needed continued focus and consideration, including:

  • Balancing the need for safety with the operations of the Southern Region Waste Resource Authority and Resource Co
  • An underpass for shared use trail users at Flour Mill Road, Aldinga, which would improve safety for trail users, who’ll be forced to cross Main South Road
  • The realignment and connection of Aldinga Beach Road and Aldinga Road to create a single intersection, which may provide another opportunity for DIT to improve road safety
  • Consideration for ratepayers on the costs to renew and maintain council infrastructure, including connecting roads, that may be impacted by this project.
  • Development of Stage 2 of the Main South Road upgrade to ensure it meets the needs of the southern communities including Sellicks Beach.
  • Accessibility impacts for motorists who currently turn right at Aldinga Beach Road to head south on Main South Road.

More information

Residents are invited to meet the project team, learn more about the detailed design and ask any questions at the upcoming drop-in, community information sessions. Reserve your place at the DIT website:

Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Aldinga Community Centre
Session 1: 2pm to 4pm
Session 2: 5pm to 7pm

Saturday, 9 October 2021
McLaren Vale & Fleurieu Coast Visitor Centre
Session 1: 10am – 12pm
Session 2: 1pm – 3pm

Artists impression of Main South Road, Aldinga