Smiling headshots of author Jane Harper (left) and sexual abuse survivor and advocate, Grace Tame (right).

Adelaide Writers' Week down south

Published on 01 March 2023

Attention all local literary-minded folk: you can enjoy, for free, the best of Adelaide Writers’ Week without leaving the City of Onkaparinga.

From Monday 6 March to Thursday 9 March, five of Onkaparinga’s six libraries (Aldinga, Hub, Noarlunga, Seaford and Woodcroft) will be live-streaming fascinating sessions from the East Stage of the annual festival, which sees literary luminaries exploring the theme ‘Truth Be Told’—including ‘truths we acknowledge, truths we feel are debatable, and those beyond debate’.

The live streams, which are suitable for adults, will run for the duration of the libraries’ opening hours (streams will run from 9:30am to 4:45pm most days) and bookings are preferred.

Highlights include sessions with:

Head to Onkaparinga Libraries’ Eventbrite page for more information and to book your Seaford sessions, and to council’s website to learn more about Onkaparinga Libraries huge program of activities and events for all ages.

You can also grab a copy of the Adelaide Writers Week print program at one of the five libraries.


Author Jane Harper (photo: Mrs Smart Photography) and former Australian of the Year, Grace Tame (photo: Krista Jensen)