From 25 September to 20 October, community engagement is open for feedback on two key plans that guide the City of Onkaparinga’s financial sustainability and asset management: the Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP).
In addition to online feedback, residents can also attend a drop-in session in the Gilbert Room at the council’s Noarlunga office on Monday 30 September from 6–7pm.
“These plans are essential to delivering our Community Vision 2034 and ensuring that we use your rates responsibly to fund the services and projects our community needs,” said CEO Phu Nguyen.
The Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) outlines how the council will maintain a solid financial position over the next 20 years, while the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) details its 10-year asset management strategy, including the maintenance and renewal of community assets like roads, parks, and buildings.
“The focus of this updated Long Term Financial Plan has been to attain and maintain a budget surplus and lay the foundations for our debt management strategies so that we can deliver on the community’s vision in an efficient and sustainable way,” Mr Nguyen said.
Following ongoing consultation with elected members and the council’s Audit and Risk Committee, two options were presented for these plans at a Council meeting on 17 September 2024.
The option chosen by elected members for community engagement has a stronger focus on debt reduction to better position council for a sustainable financial future, in alignment with recommendations provided by the Essential Services Commission of SA.
This means a reduction in the capital budget for new and significant upgrades in 2025–26, with a focus on water resource projects, works on the Noarlunga Aquatic and Recreation Centre, and fully funded projects already scheduled for that year only.
The New and Significant Upgrades (NSU) program, which includes things like footpaths, playgrounds, sport and recreation facilities, coastal works and trails, will resume in 2026–27.
The budget for road renewal works has also been reduced for the next four years to focus on roads with significant safety or financial risks, but other renewal programs will continue as planned.
“Our approach to the 2024–25 budget demonstrates our commitment to improving our financial resilience and ensure alignment with recommendations provided to us by ESCOSA," Mr Nguyen said.
“The Strategic Asset Management Plan is also important because it provides staff, elected members, and the community with an overview of our capital assets, how they are performing, the service levels provided, goals and objectives, areas for improvement, and financial position.
“It’s focussed on renewing, restoring and improving what we have and describes how we will manage assets to align with community goals and objectives, and the broader strategic goals of the organisation."
To view the plans and have your say before 20 October, visit