Published on 15 April 2024
Aldinga Sports Park upgrades usher in new era
The first stage of a major long-term vision to redevelop Aldinga Sports Park is now complete following the official opening of the latest new and upgraded facilities.
Representatives from local sporting clubs, the community and all levels of government came together at the sports park on Friday 12 April to celebrate the official opening with the sports park’s completed elements including:
- a new hockey building including a canteen/bar, toilets and medical room/office
- a new irrigated turf senior-sized soccer pitch
- a new soccer clubroom with kitchen, canteen/bar, medical room/office, two unisex
- changerooms, function room and associated toilets
- an upgraded access road and a new sealed car park
- site services upgrades including sewer, electrical, potable water and irrigation
- sports lights for hockey, bowls and croquet
- upgraded irrigation for bowls and croquet clubs
- construction of fully enclosed cricket nets
- the relocation of equestrian facilities
- six upgraded netball courts
- a new drinking fountain and pathway connections at netball
- two new and two upgraded unisex football/cricket changerooms and new public toilets.
An longer-term initiative from the master plan, the Aldinga War Memorial, has also been completed and opened to the public on Remembrance Day 2023.
One of the next elements to be completed later in 2024 as part of the long-term master plan is a new skate park.
A joint effort
The completed upgrades have been delivered through funding from local, state and federal governments, including:
- $2.26 million from the Australian Government towards the soccer facilities as part of a 2019 election commitment through a Community Development Grant
- $881,290 from the Australian Government towards the hockey and soccer buildings as part of its Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program, which supports councils to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects, creating jobs and long-lasting benefits for communities
- $945,000 from the state government’s Office for Recreation and Sport, which includes $120,000 for new sports lighting for bowls, croquet and hockey, and $825,000 for new and upgraded unisex, compliant football changerooms, delivering on an election commitment from Leon Bignell, Member for Mawson
- the generous state and federal funding adds to the $3.265 million the City of Onkaparinga has contributed towards the upgrades.
The state government has also contributed $1.3 million towards the upcoming skate park with the support of Leon Bignell, Member for Mawson.
Comments from City of Onkaparinga Mayor Moira Were
What a proud moment to celebrate a range of upgrades that have made this much-loved place more enjoyable, functional and inclusive for athletes, sports teams, and visitors alike.
It’s incredible to think how much has changed here since the state government announced in 2019 that a new school would be built just to the east, and we commenced work on stage one of a game-changing sports park upgrade a year later.
It’s testament to what we can achieve when community and all levels of government come together, use our ingenuity and foresight, and join forces to meet the demands of a growing area.
A huge thank you to the state and federal governments and to the impacted Aldinga clubs – including soccer, bowls, croquet, hockey, netball, football and cricket – for your collaboration and patience.
Comments from Federal Minister for Social Services, Amanda Rishworth
We know how important sports facilities are to local communities and these upgrades will support people of all ages participate in sport and have such a positive impact on mental and physical health.
This huge investment is a tribute to the strong partnership between all levels of governments and will not only benefit the local sporting community but will also integrate with the new Payinthi college to encourage student participation in sport.
These inclusive upgrades mean women and girls inspired by the Matildas will now have access to the safe and modern facilities needed to get in involved in community sport.
Perhaps the next Charli Grant will benefit from the updated Aldinga Sports Park.
Comments from Minister from Recreation, Sport and Racing, Katrine Hildyard
Sport is so powerful in bringing people together, improving mental, physical and emotional health, giving people a sense of belonging and the knowledge that they are not alone. The more people who participate the healthier our community.
I am delighted that the Aldinga Sports Park’s improved facilities will help to bring the community together through sport – across soccer, hockey, bowling, croquet, netball, football and cricket to name a few.
I am very much looking forward to what the future brings for this facility, the clubs, the players, and the community. It looks like a very bright future ahead for all involved.
Comments from Federal Member for Mayo, Rebekha Sharkie
Five years ago, I stood on a patch of dirt with the local community sports clubs and celebrated securing $2.26 million in Federal funding for this much needed facility. Today I am delighted to again join with the local sporting clubs to open this incredible community asset.
I was thrilled to announce this funding in 2019 and have continue to watch closely and visit regularly as the project developed. This is only the beginning and I look forward to attending many more matches presentations and events here at the Aldinga Sports Park.
Congratulations to all involved in this huge but successful project, It shows what can be achieved when the three levels of government and community work collaboratively towards a shared goal.
Comments from Member for Mawson, Leon Bignell
The opening of the first stage is a triumph for teamwork. We have had the three levels of government working together and we have had the collaboration of all the sporting groups in the precinct. And together we have achieved so much.
Our growing area will soon have some of the best sporting facilities in the state thanks to this incredible investment and the vision of all the sporting clubs.